by Blog Contributor | Sep 26, 2023 | Caregiving, Family, Guest Article
Photo by CDC on Unsplash Safety in family caregiving needs to be emphasized over time, as it ultimately affects the family members needing immediate caregiving. In one way or another, safety in family caregiving is a significant consideration....
by Blog Contributor | Sep 14, 2023 | food, Food and Lifestyle, Guest Article
Photo by Dziana Hasanbekava Pairing new foods and flavors can be easily done during one’s free time, but what happens during a disaster? What are easy meals you can prepare when there’s a storm outside? Let’s face it. Climate change is coming. Now,...
by Blog Contributor | Sep 12, 2023 | Blog, Changes
Photo by Pixabay Avoiding ableism and toxic positivity when caring for those in hospice care should be prioritized if we ever want to deliver high-quality care. Eleanor Gaccetta, author of One Caregiver’s Journey, knows how detrimental ableism and toxic...
by Blog Contributor | Sep 9, 2023 | Blog, food, Food and Lifestyle
Photo by Vanessa Loring A balanced diet consists of protein, carbs, fat, and vegetables. How much you eat of these dictates how healthy you are. Food alone isn’t the magic bullet – a body also needs to move or exercise. What foods you put in your body and what type of...
by Blog Contributor | Sep 9, 2023 | Blog, Caregivers, Caregiving
Photo by Alex Green When an elderly relative is ill, it is important that children receive support and understanding of the situation. Many children have close relationships with siblings or grandparents. They hear conversations, observe increased activity for doctor...
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