Photo by Ivan Samkov

Finding care and professional caregiver for parents is vital if you are an adult child looking after your aging loved ones. 

As an adult, you have your responsibilities and life. You can provide some of the care your parents need, especially during the early stages of their aging process. But what about when your parent’s health declines or their care needs increase? Perhaps you live far from your parents’ home to provide care yourself. That is why finding caregiver for parents is also essential.

Getting professional help for aging parents can give you caretaker guilt. It is an opportunity to give your senior parents an even better quality of life. Finding in-home quality care for elderly parents is a detailed process. Below are some tips how to find a caregiver for elderly parents that provide experienced assistance. 


Five Tips for Taking Care of Elderly Parents at Home

According to the survey by the FCA, 42% of family caregivers are adults looking after senior parents. However, many adult children may be unsure how to care for mom or dad properly. and could use some support caring for elderly seniors.

Below are some tips for caring for elderly parents at home.

1. Assess Your Parents’ Needs. The first step to adequately caring for aging parents is to assess their needs. Are your parents primarily independent? Carefully consider what kind of assistance your elderly parents might need. Knowing their situation will help you understand the best support for them. It also gives you a better idea of whether you can provide hands-on care for them, or if you need to find professional help taking care of elderly parents.

2. Make Their Home Safe. Another primary concern is to ensure your parents’ home is safe. The biggest safety issue that many elderly people face is items that can interfere with mobility. Reducing fall risk is one of the most vital things you can do to keep your parents safe.

3. Get Legal and Financial Matters in Order. Getting your parents’ legal matters in order and taking stock of their financial situation is important for their long-term stability. It is essential to consider your parent’s financial situation. This is important if long-term care will be necessary at some point. professional assessment of your parent’s financial situation will determine if they should consider applying for outside assistance for future expenses.

            4. Care for Yourself. It an adult child assumes responsibility for care of elderly parents it is important to find balance to care for themselves at the same time they are providing care. Caregiving can be overwhelming and exhausting so take some time to care for yourself when the challenges are great. Self-care includes mental, physical and emotional health.

            5. Finding Care for Elderly Parents. Finally, it is always an option to search for in-home support or alternative care options for your elderly loved ones.

            Many options are convenient for adult children and provide accessible, valuable services to aging adults. However, these services are often expensive and may not give your parents the one-on-one care they need. 

            Further, these options may also require that you move your loved ones from a place they are comfortable with into a new living environment. This is challenging since elderly parents often want to age in the solace of their own homes or a familiar business. One of the best options is to explore options for getting help for aging parents and ensuring they can stay in a familiar place is in-home care.

            In-home professional care may be the most optimum solution for you. In-home caregivers and care managers can provide senior parents receive the care they need.


How to Get Help Taking Care of Senior Parents

Taking care of parents at home can be challenging.  In-home care is one of the most beneficial resources available to families.  A professional entity offering caregivers and managers provide support and respite for families seeking support for elderly parents.

If you are looking for encouragement on how to find comfortable care for your elderly parents and see it as a wonderful journey of caring for a loved one, check out Eleanor Gaccetta’s One Caregiver Journey. This personal memoir will make you laugh or tug at your heart as the author shares her experiences providing 24/7 care to her mother for 9 ½ years until her mother’s death at age 102. The book is an easy read, honestly written, and provides a blueprint of caregiving that all caregivers can utilize.

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