Photo by Matthias Zomer
Do you have a loved one at home who is in need of assistance in their daily life? Whether it is someone who is now living with a disability or is a family member who is entering their golden years, chances are you are stepping up to be the one who will help in their time of need, becoming their caregiver. Caregiving is the greatest act of love that you can offer someone.
Why do we say so? Think about it: You are dedicating your time and energy to ensuring the well-being of your loved one. Some caregivers decide to leave their careers behind for their loved ones, and you could be one of them! As much as you care for another, you deserve to receive assurance and comfort, too, and Eleanor’s guide book for caregivers, One Caregiver’s Journey,is an excellent written work for that!
Written by Eleanor Gaccetta, “One Caregiver’s Journey” is her personal memoir. The book will surely both bring a smile to your face while also tug at your heart, because its contents is all about her personal experience in providing care to her precious mother on a daily basis for over 9 years. What makes Gaccetta’s literary work so special is that it is written from an honest point of view, where she also provides to readers essential information and suggestions that every caregiver who reads her book can utilize.
Caregivers are heroes, The kind of heroes who, more than often, are left unrecognized. First, let’s define the word caregiving for those who are not yet familiar with it. What is caregiving? Caregiving is, by definition, relating to the activity or profession of regularly looking after a child or a sick, elderly, or disabled person. As with everything, caregiving holds both positive and negative experiences, but for the most part? It is truly a fulfilling act, especially when you are doing it out of pure and genuine love. With that said, here are the positive impacts of caregiving:
A deeper connection
If you are a loved one’s caregiver, you are being given the gift of being able to spend more time with your loved one. From the moment both of you wake up to sharing meals to grocery shopping up until bedtime, you get to play an active part in your loved one’s daily life. Whether or not you already have a close relationship with them, being their caregiver will surely lead to a deeper and more meaningful connection with the amount of time spent together.

Photo by Rollz International
Being able to give back
There is a high chance that the loved one you are caring for has taken care of you in the past. Maybe they were your parent, relative, or babysitters when you were little. Now that you are their primary caregiver, it is the perfect time for you to provide them with the same level of attentive assistance and support that they have given you when you need it most. Not only that, but you are setting a good example for the children that within the family, everyone should take care of one another.
It brings peace of mind
Isn’t it quite nerve-wracking when you are at work or doing other important activities, but you are thinking about whether your loved one is safe under the care of someone else? Is your loved one afraid to be with strangers? There is a vast difference when you are taking care of them yourself because you have the assurance and confidence that you need when it comes to ensuring that your loved one is truly well-cared for. You yourself can be a part of conversations with their doctor and other important medical appointments where you can know first-hand what they need to ensure safety in their daily lives.
Personal growth
By being your loved one’s caregiver, you get to become an assistant to them in every aspect of their life. With that fact alone, you can certainly develop new skills that will not only help you get ahead in life but also help you gain the confidence that you deserve in achieving the goals that you aim to reach. While you are taking care of a loved one, you are also developing as an individual!
Most of all, by being a caregiver, your priorities in life will become clear. As you continue to care for a loved one, it will help rewire your mind into thinking about what truly matters in your life and what is not necessary anymore. It is highly understandable that being a caregiver is overwhelming; even life itself can be overwhelming! But as long as you do what you can and ask for help in times when things become unbearable, you are being a good caregiver. Find the answers to your questions about your role as a caregiver in Eleanor Gaccetta’s written work! Order a copy of “One Caregiver’s Journey” at your convenience.
Finally, while the life of a caregiver has its ups and downs, it is an amazing feat to be one. Being a caregiver entails a life of triumph and resilience, and the journey may not be a smooth road, but it is surely the kind that leads to a life that you can be proud of, no matter what. After all, love is what makes the ride of life truly worthwhile.
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