Photo by Jason Briscoe
Food is life, and what we choose to consume will have an immediate and lasting impact on how we live and how we sustain our body throughout our lifetime. Though this realization is often encountered during our adult years, it’s never too late, or too early to start a healthy relationship with food.
It is important to understand first that our diets change consistently over the years, depending on our body’s requirements for basic sustenance and, of course, our lifestyle. During the early stages of our lives, our food intake is greatly determined by our parents and adults preparing the food for us. But as we grow older, we develop our own preferences, choices, and appetite. This is where our conscious relationship with food begins.
And just like any relationship, there are parameters, rules, and guidelines in our daily and intimate relationship with the very thing that sustains and nourishes our body, mind, and yes, even soul.
1. Allow Yourself to Eat Based on What You Need and Want
Ironically enough, the first rule to building a healthy relationship with food is to free yourself from the idea that there is a perfect way to eat. Many of us are constrained by the idea that there are specific food groups that are not good for the body and should only be eaten during “cheat days.” Of course, you still need to consider certain physiological disorders— allergies, medical conditions, and frequency of consuming food.
Too much of anything is not good for the body. As a famous natural scientist once quipped, “nature does not tolerate excesses” Therefore we still have to balance everything we put into our body.
2. Do Not Skip Meals
This is perhaps the most cliché food advice you will hear. Since childhood, we have been constantly reminded to eat on time, and for a good reason.
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are not solely based on the times of day that we should consume food. It has to do with our body’s ability to digest the food and turn it into fuel or energy and regulate our appetite as dictated by our body’s circadian rhythms. Though this will change overtime, eating three meals a day, with regular intervals, is another important consideration in maintaining a healthy relationship with food.
The body is also designed to send signals when it is hungry, and it is wise to heed these signals all the time.

Photo by Wasa Crispbread
3. Savor the Food, Do Not Eat Perfunctorily
In this day and age, we are preoccupied with too many distractions, and our busy schedules often demand that we eat hurriedly. Most of the time, we eat while working or with a cellphone on the dinner table. Not eating mindfully deprives us of enjoying the food we eat and savoring the moment.
Generations of Good Food, a compilation of recipes by Eleanor Gaccetta, encourages the readers to savor the meal. Check your relationship with food by taking time with each bite, and while you’re at it, ask the following questions: ‘What flavor is this?’, ‘Is it nourishing my body?’, and most importantly, ‘Am enjoying this food?’
Being in the moment is one of the best ways to start a healthy relationship with food.
4. Experience and Enjoy All Foods Available
One of the grave misconceptions in food relationships is that there are good foods and then there are bad foods, a.k.a. junk food, fast food, sodas, etc.
While it is a fact that some foods are healthier than others, there is no such thing as unhealthy food, only unhealthy food consumption.
As stated above, all foods should be consumed in moderation, and diet should be well-balanced. So don’t deprive yourself of these so-called junk foods every once in a while. What is important is that you listen to your body’s needs.
And if this helps, there is actually a phenomenon called habituation. According to research, the more you are exposed to a certain type of flavor, the less likely you will consume it on a regular basis as it becomes less interesting and appealing. Thus, crossing out the possibility of you eating a particular type of junk food regularly, or any food for that matter.

Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes
Begin a Meaningful Journey with Food Today!
Food is essential to our daily existence. Our food choices and how we consume our food will reflect the type of lifestyle we want to achieve. Knowing your food and your body’s needs and wants will help you build a meaningful journey with food, and will ensure that every meal is an
experience you will appreciate.
If you want to discover a variety of excellent recipes that will satisfy your senses and will let you experience a healthy food relationship, check out Generations of Good Food by Eleanor Gaccetta today! Grab a copy at Amazon, online Barnes and Noble or at her website
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