Caregiver and care recipient smiling at the couch, depicting the surprising health benefits of family caregiving | Photo by Kampus Production

The pandemic has drastically altered caregiving dynamics, blending work-from-home schedules with family responsibilities. Eleanor Gacetta’s memoir, “One Caregiver’s Journey,” vividly captures the evolving nature of caregiving. Her book encapsulates the ways in which a caregiver’s routines often shift in unexpected ways. Caregivers now face the challenge of managing professional obligations while attending to their loved ones. However, caregiving in the new normal regaining work-life balance is not only achievable but can also bring surprising health benefits.

Although the job may be exhausting, research shows surprising health benefits of family caregiving as it fosters emotional resilience, strengthens family bonds, and can potentially improve physical health in a certain way. What’s more, recent studies suggest that caregivers may enjoy a longer life span due to the sense of purpose and fulfillment their role provides.

In this article, we will discuss those findings.

What Are the Surprising Health Benefits of Family Caregiving?

A caregiver accompanying the care recipient in doctor consultation | Photo by Thirdman
A caregiver accompanying the care recipient in doctor consultation | Photo by Thirdman

Although caring for a family member can be physically and mentally draining, recent research suggests that the job can have potential health benefits. This contests the notion that family caregiving or caregiving (in general) takes a toll on the well-being of the caregiver. A study by a team of scientists led by Johns Hopkins revealed that people who tended to their family members enjoyed a nine-month extension in life expectancy despite the stress of the job. Reports from caregivers suggest enhanced self-esteem and feelings of gratitude for those they care for. Together, these benefits contributed to the positive outcomes of family caregiving on well-being despite the evidence being anecdotal.

Psychological Well-being

One of the surprising health benefits of family caregiving is improved emotional health. What do you get when you tend to your loved one? Being a family caregiver helps you maintain social connections and mutual support, which can improve emotional outcomes.

Another positive aspect of family caregiving or any related role is that it offers a positive experience by enhancing the caregiver’s sense of purpose and meaning in life. According to a survey by the National Opinion Research Center (2014), many family caregivers report positive experiences from their role. These reports may have stemmed from benefit-finding in which the caregivers find meaning through positive reappraisals as adaptive coping mechanisms against stress. Consequently, perceiving more benefits from caregiving helped lower levels of depression among caregivers (Haley, et al, 2003).

Physical Health Benefits

Tending to your loved one involves increased physical activity as you assist with their daily living activities. Working as a family caregiver requires you to run errands, lift items, perform household chores, and other physical tasks. Therefore, you’re always on the move. The job leads you to an active lifestyle where you can discover surprising health benefits of family caregiving in terms of improving your cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and stamina.

According to a 2019 study, older women who assist more with Activities of Daily Living (ADL) experienced physical health and lower rates of physical decline.

Enhanced Cognitive Function

It has been said that the responsibilities of caregivers can take on many different roles, even outside the traditional role of assisting with daily living activities. As a family caregiver, you manage medications, schedule appointments, and communicate with health providers and other care coordinators. Engaging in these tasks exercises the caregiver’s mental performance, which contributes to improved overall cognitive wellness. These activities train your mind to balance complex tasks. As they do, these tasks strengthen memory, foster decision-making skills, and improve problem-solving skills. Treat them as your mental workout.

Disclaimer: Although we’re glad to discover the surprising health benefits of family caregiving, these “health benefits” are still subject to further research. The job should not be your only source of emotional health support, a sole coping mechanism for mental health issues, or physical activity. Furthermore, family caregiving is a multifaceted role. One must be holistically prepared for the job.  

If you wish to know more about Eleanor, you can visit her own website at Get a copy of “One Caregiver’s Journey” in select online bookstores.


Haley, W. E., LaMonde, L. A., Han, B., Burton, A. M., Schonwetter, R. (2003). Predictors of depression and life satisfaction among spousal caregivers in hospice: Application of a stress process model. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 6,215-224.

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