Photo by Ayşenaz Bilgin

There is no doubt that caregiving can become demanding at times. Because of this taxing endeavor, it can drive feelings of resentment accompanying the stress that it brings. Understanding caregiving resentment is an excellent step to unraveling ways to cope with and combat it. In this article, we will get a better grasp of what caregiving resentment is and how caregivers can mitigate it.

What Is Caregiving Resentment?

Caregiving or caregiver resentment is the surfacing resentment toward the caregiving situation or the care recipient. It is distinguished by primary feelings of frustration, anger, or acrimony.

Caregivers aim to give quality in-home senior care to their clients, but it’s inevitable to experience the stumbling blocks along the way. Even for those who find joy in caregiving, the role may still potentially bubble up into resentment for multiple reasons.

Experts say that it can occur for several reasons, particularly having to balance work and personal life. Juggling between caregiving and other commitments at home can be a benefactor. There is also the immense stress that comes with taking care of someone, either a loved one or a client, all of which can cause caregiving resentment. Considering how being a caregiver can be both physically and emotionally exhausting, it can pose a negative pattern on the mood or attitude.

With that said, understanding caregiving resentment also encompasses understanding such unfavorable feelings caregivers can experience, including being overworked, under-appreciated, and taken for granted.

Now, how do we recognize the signs of caregiving resentment? It’s vital that we determine these signs in order to effectively and properly address them.

Understanding Caregiving Resentment: What Are the Signs?

  • Anxiety
  • Anger and irritation
  • Loss of interest
  • Neglecting responsibilities
  • Isolation
  • Guilt
  • Hopelessness and Depression
  • Tiredness or Exhaustion
  • No satisfaction from caregiving
  • Sleep and appetite problems
  • Frequent physical illness
  • Lack of concentration
  • Feeling impatient

How Can Caregivers Combat Caregiving Resentment

Acknowledge Your Feelings, Don’t Invalidate

The initial measure in effectively dealing with caregiving resentment is to validate your feelings and acknowledge them without judgment. It is best to remind yourself that it’s okay to feel negative emotions sometimes. At the end of the day, we are just human beings who are capable of feeling things, whether positive or negative.

Take Care of Yourself As Well

Don’t ever forget to also make time for yourself and indulge in self-care. It’s never a selfish need to embrace such practice. Self-care is a form of rejuvenation, so start getting enough sleep, eating healthy, being active, engaging in hobbies, and practicing mindfulness. Part of self-care is taking regular breaks to prevent burnout, which also deters resentment in the end.

Seek and Accept Help

In this journey of life, you are never truly alone. Therefore, you don’t have to handle everything alone. If the burden worsens, lean on someone and reach out for support. You can also seek professional help and, perhaps, participate in a caregiver support group.

Be Truthful With What You Can Reasonably Accomplish

Set boundaries and limitations. Resentment can be rooted in unrealistic expectations, so leave the idea of attaining perfection. If you cannot do it, then don’t do it. You don’t have to force and push yourself further because this approach can ultimately burden you. You are merely human, and humans have limits.

Embrace Honest and Effective Communication

Communicate, and not just communicate, but communicate effectively and honestly. This type of communication can help alleviate feelings and sources of resentment. Address the crucial matters with family members, healthcare providers, and even with your recipient. Express yourself and be frank with your thoughts and feelings on certain responsibilities.

Recognize the Rewarding Aspects of Caregiving

Caregiving may be exhausting, but it is also rewarding. Shift your perspective on caregiving and find its meaning and beauty once again to enliven your focus on the positive impact you’re making on someone’s life. While you’re at it, remember to celebrate small wins and moments of love and connection.

Are You a Caregiver or About to Become One?

Finally, a compelling and insightful book by Eleanor Gaccetta offers suggestions, advice, and information that caregivers can utilize. “One Caregiver’s Journey” is a personal memoir that is definitely a must-read to add to your book collection. It comprises the author’s experiences providing 24/7 care to her mother for nine and a half years. This compelling narrative serves as a caregiver’s blueprint ingrained with the reality of the stages, changes, and various challenges caregivers face over time.

Are you a caregiver or yearning to become one? Well, “One Caregiver’s Journey” by Eleanor Gaccetta is the right valuable tool you can employ in your endeavor. Plus, it helps you further in understanding caregiving resentment to a maximum perspective.

To make your purchase, you can click here. And while you’re at it, you can read another interesting and helpful article about caregivers’ physical and mental strain.

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